Machine Synopsis
Driver is an easy Windows machine that focuses on printer exploitation. Enumeration of the machine reveals that a web server is listening on port 80, along with SMB on port 445 and WinRM on port 5985. Navigation to the website reveals that it's protected using basic HTTP authentication. While trying common credentials the `admin:admin` credential is accepted and we are able to visit the webpage. The webpage provides a feature to upload printer firmwares on an SMB share for a remote team to test and verify. Uploading a Shell Command File that contains a command to fetch a remote file from our local machine, leads to the NTLM hash of the user `tony` relayed back to us. Cracking the captured hash to retrieve a plaintext password we are able login as `tony`, using WinRM. Then, switching over to a meterpreter session it is discovered that the machine is vulnerable to a local privilege exploit that abuses a specific printer driver that is present on the remote machine. Using the exploit we can get a session as `NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM`.
Machine Matrix