22 April is International Earth Day and guess what… The Earth was hacked by malicious extraterrestrials. Their ultimate plan is to seize control of our planet. It’s only you who can save us from this terrible fate.
Teams of max 10 Hackers
Monday to Friday
From Beginner to Intermediate
Uploaded Every Day @ 14:00 pm UTC
Jeopardy CTF, Themed Challenges
Top-notch hacking content created by Hack The Box & CryptoHack, customized for the event.
Win the biggest and most exclusive prizes ever provided by Hack The Box, CryptoHack, and Code.org.
Meet the most fun, skilled, and interactive hacking community in the world. Become one of us and have fun while learning!
Are you ready to achieve eternal glory? If yes, then charge your batteries and get ready for scoreboard domination!
Everyone in the world is invited to compete and support the planet by solving challenges and collecting bounties. Collect the most points by taking down some of most “1337” targets in this nebula.
This CTF is for all infosec beginners, cyber security enthusiasts to advanced hackers and for everyone who wants to join our squad to save the earth by testing their security skills and save the planet.
For every challenge that gets at least one solve, Hack The Box will be making a donation to Code.org. Your goal is to hack as much as possible to help us support Code.org's mission. The team that achieves the most bloods will get a special prize!
Code.org is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding access to computer science education and increasing participation by young women and students from underrepresented groups.
Here is a small content preview. Are you ready for this?
The HTB content creators have years of experience by participating in all big CTFs out there. We decided to form a team of Subject Matter Experts and give you the most supreme hacking experience. Amazing theme and content for Jeopardy-Style CTF lovers. From web to pwn and hardware to reversing, from easy to insane, this CTF will make you push yourself to new limits. Hacking is our sport and exploits our game. Enjoy!
The CryptoHack team is joining forces with Hack The Box to create the best crypto content out there. From everyday and real-life cryptography algorithms to the most extraordinary math problems. Crypto is cool because it seems impossible to those that don't understand it, but gets trivial once the magic of the maths is revealed. Ready to hack the magic and save the planet?
The coolest prizes await the TOP 10 of the Cyber Apocalypse scoreboard!
1,500 USD Cash + £100 HTB Swag Card + HTB Stickers + Annual VIP PLUS + 1,000 Academy Cubes
1,000 USD Cash + £50 HTB Swag Card + HTB Stickers + Annual VIP + 500 Academy Cubes
500 USD Cash + £25 HTB Swag Card + HTB Stickers + 6 Months VIP + 250 Academy Cubes
6 Months VIP + 250 Academy Cubes
3 Months VIP + 250 Academy Cubes
1 Month VIP+ Each
Code.org Exclusive Swag (including T-Shirts, Caps, Chargers, Stickers)
CryptoHack Exclusive T-Shirts
Four easy steps to join the Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2021 and make history.
Sign up today (it’s free!) and start looking for teammates.
Join our Discord Server and meet your
opponents at
Go to CTFtime and select “We will participate!”. Check the CTF’s rating weight.
Spreading the word? Make sure to use the official event