Secure coding is not enough. Security and dev teams need to understand
adversarial tactics to establish efficient risk mitigation strategies.
Hack The Box provides a realistic environment where security and dev teams
can work together to identify, assess, and eliminate risk on the organization’s assets.
Avoid time and financial losses by detecting errors earlier in the cycle and improve the mean-time-to-fix (MTTF) after a vulnerability is identified.
Combine secure coding practices with risk assessment, threat modeling, incident response planning, and ongoing security controls.
Continuously benchmark skills and use reporting features to track reskilling initiatives, helping with recruitment, retention, and internal rotation.
Map potential risks based on OWASP and MITRE frameworks and build custom training in minutes, simulating the specific techniques that can target code errors in the SDLC: from planning to maintenance.
Bring security and dev teams on the same page with content mapped to secure software development standards complying to regulations and frameworks such as NIST SSDF, ISO 27001, GDPR, and more.
Increase satisfaction, happiness, and retention among security-adjacent employees. Use team exercises to forecast skills and map existing talent to nurture and move to security roles.
Create and manage CTFs for your team
Use CTFs to directly test vulnerabilities or bugs related to code security flaws, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injections.
Hands-on scenarios and custom paths
Create dedicated spaces to build custom training plans mapped to OWASP framework or relevant technologies, languages, and vulnerabilities.
Learning paths and certifications
Complete web application courses and exams, learning how to identify and exploit using white box and black box pentesting techniques.
Ensure the security and reliability of the applications developers create, reducing the risk of exploits while empowering developers to identify, assess, and solve errors by applying simple payloads.
Strengthen the organization’s defenses against potential attacks and data breaches, enabling security teams to proactively reduce risks rather than reactively responding to threats.
Enhance product security and lowers the chances of costly incident responses. It supports team alignment on security priorities, helping to maintain trust and product integrity.
Reduce financial and reputational risks, ensuring business continuity. Align security initiatives with business objectives, fostering a culture of security and safeguarding corporate assets.
From Theory to Action: Applying dynamic benchmarking to real-world threats
Discover how dynamic benchmarking can help your team assess readiness, close skill gaps, and stay ahead of today’s evolving cyber threats. Learn actionable strategies to measure and improve team performance