
2 min read

Hack The Box Service Update

Hackings news by Hack The Box. At Hack The Box, we take things seriously. Everything that has to do with our community, customers, partners, and vendors all over the world is a priority. Fro

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Mar 18

At Hack The Box, we take things seriously. Everything that has to do with our community, customers, partners, and vendors all over the world is a priority. From the start of HTB as a community project, we designed our ToS

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Community Manifesto

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, and company culture to support our mission of making a safer internet by making cybersecurity training fun and accessible to everyone.

In light of recent developments as of today, March 9th, 2022, Hack The Box has decided to temporarily suspend and withdraw its business operations, sponsorships, and any other commercial efforts within the Russian Federation, until further notice. We continue to comply with the international sanction policies for entities and individuals when it comes to our business operations, which means that access of individual subscribers and business users to our premium services will be affected. We will be continuously monitoring the ongoing events and updating accordingly. For any inquiries please contact

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To help those in need right now, Hack The Box has decided to donate $10,000 to Doctors Without Borders, the world's leading independent international medical relief organization, implementing and managing medical projects in close to 72 countries worldwide for over 50 years. Those who want and can help can make a donation, starting from $5, here

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Today, and always, we choose to stand with peace.

We wish everyone to be safe.

With true love and deep respect,
The HTB Team ðŸ’š

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