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Hack The Box returns to Las Vegas for Black Hat USA 2024

Meet the Hack The Box team at booth #2805

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Jul 10

Black Hat USA is returning to Las Vegas on August 7 and 8, and so is the Hack The Box team. Join us at booth #2805 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center, where we'll be showcasing our newest product developments aimed at creating and maintaining high-performing cyber teams.

For more than 25 years, Black Hat has stood as the cybersecurity industry's most established and in-depth security event series. This year’s event in Las Vegas will feature 102 briefings presentations and over 80 trainings. 

Hack The Box couldn’t miss the opportunity to join the event and showcase its Cyber Performance Center approach that redefines cybersecurity performance and sets new standards in the cyber readiness of organizations.

Unlike traditional training methods, Hack The Box offers an all-in-one environment for continuous growth, assessment, and recruitment. With a focus on addressing the needs of Chief Information Security Officers and other cybersecurity and IT leaders, Hack The Box aims to provide a comprehensive platform for recruitment, upskilling, retaining, and tracking cybersecurity teams’ success, whether the focus is on offensive, defensive, or purple domains.

Are you looking to better understand how to measure and develop your cybersecurity performance? You can schedule a meeting with our team in advance and participate in the series of events and demos we are organizing on-site. 

You could be among the first cohort to experience our new, enhanced tabletops for executives and global teams to test crisis readiness. Join our exclusive live demo on Thursday, August 8, from 12:00 to 13:30.

*Please note that there are only 30 seats available. 

We will also be hosting a Happy Hour event at South Pacific G, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Level 1, on Wednesday, August 7, from 17:00 to 19:00.

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